American Soccer Junkies: Episode #24

After an interesting few weeks spent throughout the Western Hemisphere, the 2015 edition of Camp Cupcake is over and the American Soccer Junkies are back to wrap up all the happenings. From the emergence of Gyasi Zardes to the continuing lack of such by Bobby Wood, Dan Popko and Steve Fogarty give their “Three Up, Three Down” from the two friendlies and throw in a few more odds in ends about Jürgen Klinsmann’s quick ditch of the 3-5-2, the “tireless” Miguel Ibarra and much more. The duo also dive into the MLS potential lockout (with a total disregard for real points about labor relations) and the bizarre and disappointing season for Julian Green (while only making one Hamburgler reference!). As always, they wrap up with “23 for 2014,” where one old name makes his way back into the fold.

As always, thanks for listening!


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